MORE Website Twitter Linkdin About the talk Redefining Reality This talk will cover the philosophy of technology and art bringing the audience from escapism to defining a new reality when
MORE Website Twitter Linkdin About the talk Transparent design in an opaque industry Monzo is the fastest-growing UK bank in history, with more than 55,000 new customers signing up each
MORE Website Twitter Linkdin About the talk How to find the extraordinary in the ordinary. A talk about the creative process and how we can find inspiration by looking at
MORE Website Twitter Linkdin About the talk Fuel innovation with creativity Challenging creatives & designers to source new ways to push for humanly and creatively led innovation in their daily
Monzo is the fastest-growing UK bank in history, with more than 55,000 new customers signing up each week. It’s also a movement that encourages participation and community involvement to change banking for the better. Vuokko will talk about Monzo’s design approach and how it’s evolved over time.
Framer X is a powerful design and prototyping software, which you can use to build realistic interactive prototypes fast. It helps design with the idea of how your product will work in the end. This workshop will teach you all about designing meaningful interactions in Framer X. It will briefly…
Invented at Google Ventures, the Design Sprint is a time-bound process that helps answer critical business questions through design, prototyping, and testing ideas with users. It enables you to reduce the risk when bringing a new product, process, service, experience, or…